Saturday, October 23, 2010

k0iR uNiputRa + mY mo0d

geng koir..posing sakan presiden kite (yg suar sngkat duduk tu ;p)

11.30 pm...bawu je balik dr meeting koir UNIPUTRA..
meeting 4 da new board...
dayat jd presiden..haha..erk..
aku?jd ajk multimedia coz aku ske amek gmba..
okay..i'll take a snap and captured a nice picture 4 our club..^^

my mood rite now...still not in da mood...
bnda baru berlaku...ble duk saje2 musti akn tringat balik...huhu
aku x cntact dye, dye x contact aku..
bay ckp dye bg mase ntok aku...
ye da biase...penah x cntact about 1-2 weeks...;(
emm..i need to give some space to myself to recover from dis pain..

maybe betol kate org tuwer2 (sebenarnye umie aida, bkn plakon tu! umie kpd aida, kwnku)
bgitau 1st love x kekal, but kite akn ingt smpai ble2..T T
sbnarnye, smpai skrang otakku menidakkan fakta ni..
namun hati mengiyakan coz bnyak bukti kt dpan mate..
aku nk tnye pandangan org lain pon, cipanDOTnet still xde follower..

terima kasih to bayati eleyas coz sudi pinjamkan telinga..
terima kasih to faizul coz memahami...
terima kasih to khuratul aida coz owez by my side...
sy syg kamu semua..mmmuahhh!!

the truth is i miz my si mate coklat ~fasihahibrahim~

Thursday, October 21, 2010

20/10/2010 - --->> T T

T_T huhhuuuuu....sesungguhnya aku sgt sedey di kala dan ketika ini...
someone that i luv was break my heart...T_T
bkn salah dye, aku pom tau, mmg bkn salah dye..
tp aku yg hina ini terlalu berharap...
hati manusia x boley dipaksa...
aku x boley hentikan apa yg ku rasa, aku x mampu putuskan harapan yg ku bina..
tp pada detik 20.10.2010 menghancurkan segala..
sakit...aku sakit...
ya Allah, berilah kekuatan pada hamba-Mu..
sahabat, kirimkan aku semangatmu..
sesungguhnya aku sgt memerlukan mu...

hmmmm...menangis lagi...
secebis ayat yg aku fikir x akan ku lupe smpai bila2...
kmudian dye berpesan "jgn menangis, jgn sedey, jgn kecewa"
maaf...aku x mampu syg...aku x mampu...
kamu beri punca dan kamu tawarkan penawar...
aku x mau..sesungguhnya x rela..

tarikh yg cantik...
tp beri sakit kpdku..

sampai disini..
tiada lg si mata coklatku..

selamat tnggal 20.10.2010
slamat tnggal walidku..

~hati yg menangis fasihahibrahim~

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

aku yg maknga lg lecer..;(

*spatotnye post lastweek tp bz pnye pasal..

like the previous post, i said nk gi SS nk bli brg 4 postmoterm paintbol...
so aku gi bank dulu, then tggu bas nk gi ss coz mmg x larat dh..dgn cuace panas lg..(peloh2)
lame gle tnggu bas..4 tahon!x pe la tu..
kay, bli smpai SS, aku pom mmbli la..
berat gle, dgn gule 2 kilo, cordial, dgn shower aku, sabun basoh lg..
merah kot tgn..dgn cuace yg panas tu, peloh x soh nop kate ar..
x pe..normal ar tu op..
tp yg x than mse aku tnggu bas, lame giler baban cipan..dkat sejam ade ar..
smbil2 tu aku msg, kol ramai owg coz x de alatan ntok wt air..
bas pom sampai dgn pok cik tu wt muke slamber...wekkkkk

kay, smpai bilik pkul 4 roomate pom tegur....
kate nye "siha bkn ade claz ke pkul 6?"
aku pom tringat slalu lab OS!caner la ley lupe..
aduyai..gane ni?nop wt air, kene ar gi awl..
lab abish kol 7.30..dh la ade lab test...
x study pon nih...huhuu..aku da glabah..kenaling duk dak duk dak...
pk pnye pk, aku decide soh dayah amik kt fkulti lpas claz..
so, dats mean aku kene bwk trus la alt2 nop wt air tu...
penin jgk la time tu..
seb baik kwn2 ade tolong..
raihan ngan piey bwk bekas air, din bli ais, dayah nop amek aku..

mse nk gi claz aku cri HD aku..cari pnye cari xde!!
arghhhhh!!!!tidakkkk!!ke mane kau??huhuuu
aku pom imbas smule ble last aku gune..
ye..!last mase aku gi print kt SS smalam...
gane ni?mcm2 aku pk..
mase tu aku x pk da sume korea,jepon stuff in my HD..
yg aku pk my pic dlam tu..huhu..
ade gmba sexy mexy zaman jahiliah dulu...huhuu..
gmbo koya sowg2 tu..biase ar..
kalu tersebar caner?dh la fb berleluase ni...aduiiii...
aku lg bedebar...
tp x gtau pom roomate...sbb dye da tgk aku klam kbut pasal air tu..
xmo ar gtau ye pasal HD lop..
huhu...aku pom cpt2 siap nop gi claz..
aku plan gi fkulti, smpan brg2, laptop then gi SS tgk kot2 ade..
takot koho lame lok,pluang nk jmpe makin xde...

aku rush gi lab..bas pulok lmbat jalan...aduyai..mcm2..
sapa lab lam kol 6 lbey ckit..
en.asrol adop agi, nde lagi aku pecut 450.7 km seminit..
aku jlan x soh kate ar, laju giler..siput pom kalah..
jln raye aku lintas sraight je, x tgk langsong kiri kanan..
duk mikir nop test ni..
sapa kt kdai tu, trus cari lengloi tu..
thanx god, dye simpan!!!alhamdulillah...syukur sgt2..huhuu
nop nagis pom ade rase..

aku rush lagi..
berlari ke faculty..
smpai2 en.asrol x smpai lg...
kimi tercegang tgk aku..
ye la, mne taknye..x smpai 10 minit pom aku lari dari faculty ke ss then faculty balik..
fuhhh!kalah watson nyambek..heee
masok en asrol, "LAB TEST TAKDE"
korrappp niiiiiii...!

Friday, October 15, 2010

1st in 2010

cakkk!!haha..dis is my 1st entry in 2010 after almost two years leave my bloggy moldy wihout my touch..

tetibe tringat kt my bloggy. nothing to say but now i'm so dizzy wif all about bbi2421 esaimen that i have floating around in my head. x ske bi..x ske..wekk

sem ni mcm2 dugaan subject, my lecturer, my frens, my si mate coklat and oso my self..
final exam juz around da corner but i have nothing in my head. mok kate "benti blajo dik, kije la cpt"..hehe..kalu ikutkan mmg ler nop keje but not now mom..sabo neh, nati kite abish blajo, kite kije molek2..^^..insyaAllah dgn doa dr mok and other family members.

rindu gler kt umah..althought my house x smpurna, x besa. x slesa but mcm org skmo kate, rumahku syurgaku...sbb di situ org2 kesyganku week ni kwn2 ramai nk balik termasuk ler my roomate...huuu..smpai ati ye ana..hee, xpe nati bley pesan jerok penang lagi...^^

ermm, tu je la..need to go to ss to buy perkakas nk wat air for postmotem paintball srm mlm ni...

***i think i have to force myself to update my bloggy..^^

~~~my true self nur fasihah ibrahim~~